This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Freya", day 2

Day 2 of production - the loooong day.

After sleeping for 2 hours, I got up at 7am, having a quick breakfast and briefing with the others, then off to location. Meet there at 9am, which was a hospital. Luckily we were able to borrow the entire department of hospital + a bunch of equipment. Fantastic!

Shooting took forever and ever. Though as always people were concentrated and worked hard. Everyone was good at helping each other, but it took a long time. Lunch was the only break we had, and it was only about 20 mins, then go on. We finished out there at 6pm, then home to Station Next, have sone really nice Tai food, mhmm, and then shoot some outdoor scenes.
Took a hell of a long time to set up the lighting for that, so we ended up finishing at 1:30am. Wow.
But it's pretty good looking so far!

Off to bed as fast as I can, and maybe catch 5 hours of sleep... If I'm lucky.
But hey, no complaining Amanda - making movies is fantastic!

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