This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Monday, April 25, 2011

Film update

Here's a quick filmupdate!

I'm doing a short film for my exam in school. I'm making it alone though with help from a good friend of mine outside of school. 

I thought it was going to be hard finding actors and location, since we're only two people making the project, and we're making it for my school. But things went much more smoothly than expected.

We didn't have a room to do casting in, so we decided to get people to send us videos of themselves and casting them over skype. A bit tricky, and we knew alone that would keep some from answering.
7 actors replied the the mail I sent out, and they all seem really cool. Deciding tonight who to use.

Location was a bit more difficult. 3 locations are needed:
- Bedroom & bathroom
- Dark room for a hospital
- Park & street
Park and street is obvious. The dark room was found pretty quickly too, since Theresa (the other girl in my group) had a great cellar. The bedroom and bathroom was much more tricky, since non of us had the perfect room. We decided to write some hotels, though not thinking anyone would actually lend us a room, since we can't pay them, but two hotels replied that ofc we could lend a room. Great! One of them is Hotel Scandic, which is probably the one we're going to use. It's a 3-4 star hotel, and the rooms look great!

Besides that the only thing we need is equipment. Haha. But hopefully that won't be a problem. Lets hope!

We don't have a lot of time, actually it has to be done in about a week. So filming will take most of next week, and then we got the editing. Gonna be some looong nights, especially since non of us are 100% confident in Final Cut Pro. But I guess we'll learn.

So, here's a little update on my exam project. Will post the finished production, once in june, when the exam is over!

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