This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Monday, May 2, 2011

FML - update!

So, things are just über shit!!!
Here's an update on how my film is coming along AND how personal things are coming along.

So, one of my actresses called me and told me she was really sick, and had to have surgery and afterwards stay in the hospital for 10 days. Which means that I have to find new actresses and shoot all over. Luckily it was only 1/3 of the filming that we had finished, but it's still 6 hours of work. + we have to make new arrangements with the hotel we're borrowing and my filmschool, which are lending us equipment.
I got a maximum of two weeks to finish the film, before handing it in. SHIT!

Things are getting worse here too. Actually, I had had some really good weeks (well, one at least), but I've been having really fucked up dreams lately. Friends dying and stuff like that. Last night I had a very realistic dream, where my parents were fighting, and my dad left. I woke up at 5am and between 5am and 9am, I've been waking up every half hour, checking my clock completely paranoid (which is really weird, since I didn't actually have plans before 2pm), and at 9am I was finally woke up by my parents fighting in the next room.
When I finally got out of bed I had a really strange feeling that I had done something wrong, or something bad was about to happen. I tried to remember everything from yesterday (was pretty drunk), but couldn't really remember anything that would give me such a feeling. Since then that feeling has gotten worse and worse, to the point of me actually feeling physically, and not only mentally, down.

So, here's a little update. I'm super stressed out about what to do =(

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