This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Production, day 1.2

I guess you could call this production day 1.2. Cause it's the second day of shooting my exam project, but it's an entirely new script.

Met Theresa at the hotel (location) 2 hours before our new actress showed up, and had to rewrite the entire script, since we only have one actress now, and not two. 1 1/2 hours later we had a new script, and was ready to shoot. It actually turned out pretty good I think, and shooting went pretty smoothly. Fantastic!
We shot almost half the movie today, and tomorrow we're shooting the rest.
Looking forwards to seeing the final product (that is, I need to edit it first ;D) but this project has really stressed me out.

Speaking of being stressed out. I'm so fucking tired right now. Didn't sleep well last night, due to being worried about the movie project, and had weird dreams again, plus waking up every half hour checking my clock all paranoid.
Been laying in the hotel room for about 3 hours now, 'cause I really dont feel like going home =/ been watching Floating, one of Norman Reedus' first movies. It was really good, you should all watch it! =D
It's 9:30pm now, and I really should head home. But just don't feel like it. Don't feel like going home to a house that doesn't quite feel like home =[

Oh well. 'nuff of that! Here are a few pics of my new super awesome hoodie!
Sorry about the retarded face, but I'm tired ;D

New blog coming up tomorrow! =D

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