This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May update

Wow, been quite a while since I wrote a blog. So here's one.

I finished editing my movie. The first time I have ever edited a movie, but I think I managed quite well. Final Cut Pro is not that hard to figure out ;-).
When we (Theresa & I) first sat down to edit the movie, we were completely lost, and after finishing the rough cut (don't know what to call it in english), we were both like "Omfg, what is this shit. What have we done!?", but I ended up sitting for 30 hours straight editing it, and I think it turned out alright. Much better than first expected, but not too good = alright!
But hey, it's my first movie ever alone (one other and one actress), and we've had a lot of trouble with the production.
I'll post it here, or twitter or somewhere, as soon as I've had my exam, unless I fail ;-).

Speaking of exam and school. I had my ast official school day last monday. Because I managed to fuck up my school the last half year, I have to take all exams, instead of just some, as everyone else, but it doesn't really bother me. I've got 10 exams in all, and already finished one of them.
June 22 I'm finished with 'highschool' (it's not highschool, but a danish version called 'Gymnasium') for ever. Can't wait!

I've got a year left of filmschool, so I'll just be working and making movies this next year. Yay, gonna be fun, I hope ;-D
Speaking of filmschool. We're almost finished with our main project, "Freya", and june 15th we're going to be walking the red carpet at the largest cinema in Denmark, "Imperial", for the premiere. Yay, one of the most fun days. Can't wait!

Well, that's enough for right now. I'll post something again soon, when I've got something interesting to write ;-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Production, day 2 - finished!

Yay, finished shooting today, and everything went rather well. Thought it was going to be a super long day, but we were finished shooting after 5 hours. Everything went pretty smoothly, and even the change of location went without problems!

Editing starts tomorrow, and I've got a week to finish the project. I'm a bit nervous. It seems like there's something missing, like there's something we've done wrong, but can't imagine what. hm
Excited to see how it turns out too. Looking forwards to seeing if people actually get the story, haha.
Oh well, lets hope ;-)

Got two hours before I can go home. Hm, time to watch a movie I think. :'D

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Production, day 1.2

I guess you could call this production day 1.2. Cause it's the second day of shooting my exam project, but it's an entirely new script.

Met Theresa at the hotel (location) 2 hours before our new actress showed up, and had to rewrite the entire script, since we only have one actress now, and not two. 1 1/2 hours later we had a new script, and was ready to shoot. It actually turned out pretty good I think, and shooting went pretty smoothly. Fantastic!
We shot almost half the movie today, and tomorrow we're shooting the rest.
Looking forwards to seeing the final product (that is, I need to edit it first ;D) but this project has really stressed me out.

Speaking of being stressed out. I'm so fucking tired right now. Didn't sleep well last night, due to being worried about the movie project, and had weird dreams again, plus waking up every half hour checking my clock all paranoid.
Been laying in the hotel room for about 3 hours now, 'cause I really dont feel like going home =/ been watching Floating, one of Norman Reedus' first movies. It was really good, you should all watch it! =D
It's 9:30pm now, and I really should head home. But just don't feel like it. Don't feel like going home to a house that doesn't quite feel like home =[

Oh well. 'nuff of that! Here are a few pics of my new super awesome hoodie!
Sorry about the retarded face, but I'm tired ;D

New blog coming up tomorrow! =D

Monday, May 2, 2011

FML - update!

So, things are just über shit!!!
Here's an update on how my film is coming along AND how personal things are coming along.

So, one of my actresses called me and told me she was really sick, and had to have surgery and afterwards stay in the hospital for 10 days. Which means that I have to find new actresses and shoot all over. Luckily it was only 1/3 of the filming that we had finished, but it's still 6 hours of work. + we have to make new arrangements with the hotel we're borrowing and my filmschool, which are lending us equipment.
I got a maximum of two weeks to finish the film, before handing it in. SHIT!

Things are getting worse here too. Actually, I had had some really good weeks (well, one at least), but I've been having really fucked up dreams lately. Friends dying and stuff like that. Last night I had a very realistic dream, where my parents were fighting, and my dad left. I woke up at 5am and between 5am and 9am, I've been waking up every half hour, checking my clock completely paranoid (which is really weird, since I didn't actually have plans before 2pm), and at 9am I was finally woke up by my parents fighting in the next room.
When I finally got out of bed I had a really strange feeling that I had done something wrong, or something bad was about to happen. I tried to remember everything from yesterday (was pretty drunk), but couldn't really remember anything that would give me such a feeling. Since then that feeling has gotten worse and worse, to the point of me actually feeling physically, and not only mentally, down.

So, here's a little update. I'm super stressed out about what to do =(