This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Media exam

So, friday was my media (film education in high school) exam. At the exam you draw a 5 minut clip from a movie, which you have to analyze. Then you get 45 minutes to prepare and finally you have 45 minutes of actual exam. In the 45 minutes of the actual exam, about 25 minutes is spent on analyzing the clip, and the rest of the time is spent on your own movie, which we've made earlier on (check earlier blogs about the movie "(in)Sane").

So when I got there I drew a short film, which was 4 minutes long. It's called "Eksamen" which means "The Exam" in danish. When my classed worked with short films, I hadn't begone yet (I changed schools half ways through), so I had absolutely nothing on short film analysis. Great.
The short film was pretty strange, and I couldn't find the movies plot. Great. I thought I had an hours preparation in stead of 45 minutes, so I was taken by surprise when my teacher told me time was up. I wasn't finished preparing. Great.

The actual exam went fine I thought, but I knew I hadn't analyzed it enough. Then they started asking me about my own movie. I'll have to say, that I really really don't like my own movie, and I was embarrassed to have that as my movie. So, half on purpose half not on purpose, the way I ended up talking about my movie, had a very negative tone, since I thought they thought it was bad too.

After the exam ended they sent me outside the door, while they talked about my grade.
When I was called in they said: "you'll get a 7 (which I believe is C or something like that), and you probably shouldn't do film analysis as a carrier". Oh great, I could just feel my mood sink.
But then they went on: "but on the other hand, you should totally work with film. We absolutely loved your film. You've got so much talent, and we don't understand how you could make that movie on your own (with help from one of my friends) at this level. If I had made this movie, I would have been so proud. You should give yourself much more credit than you actually do, and remember that for the future. We can truly see you have your own style in film making, and..." bla bla bla. After some time they compared me to Lynch and  Hitchcock and said they could really understand why I was a film student, and that I should keep on making movies. Wow.

I still don't like my movie, haha, but I guess I can look at it a bit more positively now.
So despite the grade being shit, what they said totally saved my day.
I don't care if my film analysis of short films isn't too good, as long as people like my film making I'm happy!

Oh, and if I'de drawn anything Tarantino or Trier I had rocked ;-D

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