This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a day...

Woke up after sleeping very little, but super excited about the competition today.
Got to school too late, so missed half of my sports/P.E. lesson, which sucked. My teacher wanted to talk to me about my grade in P.E. and she fucking failed me. I'm so fucking pissed!
After that I reminded my english teacher that I had to leave class early, since I had the Nordic Championships to fence. She got fucking pissed at me, and stomped away cursing. I though "fuck this" and left straight away. Was in a fucking bad mood and wished I had never gone to school!!

Came to the fencing hall and had a good day there. Ended in the finals with a pretty good Icelandic fencer whom I have never fenced before, and she had a lead of 8-3 at the break. She ended up winning 15-9. I knew I wouldn't win before the match started, but I am very pleased with the result. So silver medal for me in the Female-Juniors comp.

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