This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Sunday, March 27, 2011

sun. 27th of march

I just had dinner with my family. And it felt awkward as hell. I felt sooo uncomfortable sitting there eating and talking with them. I have no idea what has gotten into me. =/

So I left them to their stories and now sitting in my room listening to a song, I always listen to when feeling down.

Don't know what to do, 
life seems so empty, without you
Don't know if it's true, 
you didn't want to hurt me, desert me

It's funny how a sad song can make you feel better...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I wish things...

... were different. Easier. More exiting and less exiting at the same time.

I'm going through a pretty tough time atm. Drastic changes in my life which has really changes me mentally too.
I walk around in my own little bubble. My own little world. Not really sensing the world around me or the people in it. I keep to my self, don't talk much to anyone. It's the easiest way for me, and the best atm. I think...
I can barely talk with my parents. I can't have a normal conversation, 'cause I have a hard time controlling my anger. That was shown tonight when I got pissed at my mom for not hearing what I said. She started crying.
I'm not really sure what to do, but I'm sure everything will get better soon. Well, at some point anyway.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a day...

Woke up after sleeping very little, but super excited about the competition today.
Got to school too late, so missed half of my sports/P.E. lesson, which sucked. My teacher wanted to talk to me about my grade in P.E. and she fucking failed me. I'm so fucking pissed!
After that I reminded my english teacher that I had to leave class early, since I had the Nordic Championships to fence. She got fucking pissed at me, and stomped away cursing. I though "fuck this" and left straight away. Was in a fucking bad mood and wished I had never gone to school!!

Came to the fencing hall and had a good day there. Ended in the finals with a pretty good Icelandic fencer whom I have never fenced before, and she had a lead of 8-3 at the break. She ended up winning 15-9. I knew I wouldn't win before the match started, but I am very pleased with the result. So silver medal for me in the Female-Juniors comp.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


to Nordic Championships 2011 in Sabre Fencing. 
Wow, can't wait!!!

Been training pretty much lately, and I think my fencing has been pretty good too, so can't wait to come out and try it off ;D

Friday, saturday and sunday here I come!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011 so far.

I'll start my new blog out by writing about my 2011 so far.
It's already been quite an eventful year and a lot of both good and bad things have happened.
I won't write about all of it right now, but most of it will come eventually.

For the first time in years I had a fantastic New Years Eve. Nothing better than celebrating with a lot of good friends. Crazy guys some of them, but all in all a fantastic night! A very good way to start the new year!

The first weekend of January I went on a summerhouse trip with my class. Really fun. Lots of drinking and partying. We actually went because we had to write a yearbook about everyone in the class. Lots of story telling and laughing. But I realized that I really don't have a lot in common with most of my class. Too bad.

The last weekend of January I went for a fencing trip to Stirling, Scotland. One teammate, my coach and I went to the Stirling University Cup. We didn't have any expectations before we went, and weren't really planning on winning anything, but just having a great time. I've never been to Scotland before so that alone was very exiting. But we ended up winning the team competition, and my coach one the individual comp. and teammate came in second. Great! I met my coach in the quarter finals and was eliminated there, too bad, but was a great comp. all in all! And I even got to meet up with a friend I met in Iceland last year.

In the beginning of February I went to a Combichrist concert. They truly are one of my favorite bands, such great music and such a great live performance. Can't wait to see them again next year!

In mid February I had my first ever real photoshoot. I was really nervous and had no idea what to do, but we ended up taking some pretty nice pics. I might link some at some point.

Last weekend we had an all women fencing weekend. Sabre fencing in Denmark is not very big, and there are barely any women fencing (we're about 3). So getting together with 50 women and fencing foil and epee was fun. Not my choice of weapon, but it's nice to try something different sometimes, and I'm not even half bad at it (hahaha). Hope to see more events like that!

Besides that,
- I went to see The Fighter. Wow, fantastic movie - the acting, the story, everything was really good.
- I went to see A Clockwork Orange at the cinema too, God I just love that movie!
- I stayed up all nights to watch the Oscar's. Congratulations to all the winners, and especially Susanne Bier for winning and Oscar for best foreign film.
- I found out that Norman Reedus is one of my all-time favorite actors, and created a Twitter so I could follow him. :D