This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Monday, October 8, 2012

Scandinavian Film Competition 2012

Long time no blog!

2 of my friends and I decided to send a team application to the Scandinavian Film Competition. It's a competition where you compete as a team against 17 other teams (6 from Denmark, 6 from Sweden and 6 from Norway) to see who can stay awake and watch most movies in a row, with only 10 minutes of break between each movie. Last years winners did 81 hours.

So anyway, we sent this movie in hopes of being chosen:
(unfortunately it's in danish)

So, in mid november it's on. And until that - lots of training ;D
One of the prizes is a trip to Hollywood!!!!!!!

Go Team Butterfly!!!!! ;D

Besides that:
We finished our final movie project at filmschool and had the premiere, in the most packed cinema we've ever had. 1100 people was there. What a night!
Here's Manhood with english subs:

Then our movie FREYA won the Best Fiction award at the Foor River Film Festival in Croatia.