This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Monday, October 8, 2012

Scandinavian Film Competition 2012

Long time no blog!

2 of my friends and I decided to send a team application to the Scandinavian Film Competition. It's a competition where you compete as a team against 17 other teams (6 from Denmark, 6 from Sweden and 6 from Norway) to see who can stay awake and watch most movies in a row, with only 10 minutes of break between each movie. Last years winners did 81 hours.

So anyway, we sent this movie in hopes of being chosen:
(unfortunately it's in danish)

So, in mid november it's on. And until that - lots of training ;D
One of the prizes is a trip to Hollywood!!!!!!!

Go Team Butterfly!!!!! ;D

Besides that:
We finished our final movie project at filmschool and had the premiere, in the most packed cinema we've ever had. 1100 people was there. What a night!
Here's Manhood with english subs:

Then our movie FREYA won the Best Fiction award at the Foor River Film Festival in Croatia.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Almost production + nominee

So, this weekend (starting Friday) is the production weekend of our last short film, as students at the film school Station Next. Exciting! This summer we finish school after 3 great years and 6 movies. 

Since this is our last production, it had to be something really special. We've done several weeks of preproduction and now it's time for production/shooting. Wohoo!
Can't tell too much about it yet, except that everyone has been working REALLY really hard!!!

Anyway, this time I'm not personally working on the film. I'm doing a "behind the scenes" film, with two other girls from the team. Gonna be interesting. 
It's been pretty hard work. It wasn't as simple as I thought it would be, since we wanted to do something different than what is usually done, but still had to keep it connected to the actual film and crew. 
We've come up with a lot of ideas but finally settled on one a few days ago. A bit late. But I think it's a pretty good idea!

Besides that, our short film from last year; FREYA, has been nominated at the Westport Youth Film Festival in Connecticut, USA. Super excited about that!
If you haven't seen it, take a look here: 

I wanted to post some pics from preproduction, but unfortunately don't have any on this computer.

More blogs and pics will come during/after this weekend. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

NFFTY nomination

So, one of the movies I have worked on at Station Next (my film school) has been nominated at the National Film Festival for Talented Youth in Seattle.

The movie is "Besøg" (meaning: "The Visit"), a short film we made in the autumn of 2010. The criteria for the film was, that there was not allowed to be any dialog. Not as easy as it may sound!
Watch it here if you want! :'D

Last year our movie "Upside Down" was nominated too, but didn't win.