This blog is dedicated to my movie related stuff. Here I blog about current movie projects I'm working on, movie reviews, etc.

Personal blog: S34R5

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sci-fi film, pre-production

So, it's been a while since I've actually written anything about my own movieprojects. So I thought I'd give a little update on what's going on.

Our main production from first year at filmschool, "En Verden Vendt På Hovedet" (english: "Upside Down"), won the Grand Prix award at the Four River Filmfestival in Croatia a month ago. It was a complete surprise to us all, since we all have very mixed feelings about the movie. If you haven't seen the movie, you can see it here, though it's in danish and without subtitles:

We finished our main production from second/last year at filmschool. It's called "FREYA" and we're all extremely proud of it. We had a pretty 'big' budget on this movie (considering what we normally do, anyway) so we had the chance to play around with the technical part. The movie was shot on a DSLR camera, and some on Super 8. We had some super long days of production (36hours in 2 1/2 days - one day with 18 hours), but it was well worth it. We've had so much positive feedback on that movie, and can't wait to see if it'll be nominated at any festivals. If you haven't seen that one either, watch it here, though again it's in danish and without subtitles. But they'll come eventually:

Last but not lease we've begun pre-production for our first film as last-year students. The criteria for this movie were: 
- It has to be a genre film, meaning we had to choose a genre and write the movie so that it would fit the elements of that genre. 
- We wouldn't get any professional help on the actual days of shooting, like we normally do. 
Besides that, our group of about 20 people was split up into two groups, so we're making two movies in all. 
My group has chosen the (pretty tricky) Sci-fi genre. I'm the sound technician on this set. We've basically got the story down, and the style to the movie, but we're having a few problems with the locations, since they are pretty tricky, and we've got a super low budget this time. But no worries, things will work out eventually, just like they always do. 
Shooting will take place in three weeks, and we've got quite a lot of work to do before, but it's always exciting to see how people work under pressure. =D

Anyway, here's the 'short' update on things. I'll go watch 2001: A Space Odyssey now, for some inspiration!